BADA 2017 – Sponsor Banco Ciudad

Opening 31st of August 2017 until the 3rd of September

Art Fair: “BADA, directo de artista”.

Space: La Rural Predio Ferial de Buenos Aires – Green Pavilion
Sponsor: Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires

The Art Space of Banco Ciudad will participates in the fair BADA (Boutique de Arte Directo de Artista), with the artist Josie Watson and her series of paintings: “Ciudad Automática de Buenos Aires” recently enhanced with interactive software. The artists presents to the large public her paintings with augmented reality, becoming the first artist to introduce this emerging technique in the art world of Buenos Aires.  

BADA takes place every year on a long weekend of September with a distinctive invitation to artists to present their work directly to the public with no galleries or mediators in between. The venue calls an approximated number of 60.000 visitors interested in arts from the city of Buenos Aires.

Legislatura Porteña de Buenos Aires

The exhibition “Ciudad Automática de Buenos Aires” by the plastic artist Josie Watson, which is based on art and interactivity within the city, is exhibited in the Hall of Honor of the Buenos Aires Legislature. It is available until July 21st.

“Ciudad Automática de Buenos Aires” is an art exhibition that presents the city of Buenos Aires through art and interactivity. It is an exhibition with works inspired by everyday places and characters of the city of Buenos Aires, created by the plastic artist Josie Watson. It intertwines her paintings on canvas with other disciplines, such as music, literature, sculpture, digital projections, augmented reality, interactive installations and social networks.

The aim of WatsOnArt is to promote art through a platform that enables urban interactivity. Josie Watson is currently working on commissions for the Automatic City series, developing the Automatic City® project and directing the muralism initiative in his neighbourhood entitled “Balvanera Project”.

Josie Watson has been developing the Automatic City® painting series since 2009, with which she has gained recognition in the national market. She was invited to exhibit in 2011 at ArteBA together with Banco Ciudad, in 2012 at the Museum of Contemporary Latin American Art of La Plata by the Association of Friends of MACLA, in 2014 at the art gallery of the British Arts Center (BAC) of the Argentine Association of English Culture (AACI) where she exhibits works of the series Ciudad Automática belonging to private collections of the city never before exposed.


Automatic City of Buenos Aires

Opening Thursday June 8th 13hs until 30th June 2017

BUENOS AIRES CITY BANK : Art Space, Esmeralda 660, Buenos Aires.

Monday to Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm.


“Ciudad Automática de Buenos Aires” is an art exhibition that represents the city of Buenos Aires through art and interactivity.

It is an exhibition of works inspired by everyday places and characters of the city of Buenos Aires, created by the plastic artist Josie Watson, who generates an avant-garde exhibition by interlacing her paintings on canvas with other technological disciplines.

 A traditional exhibition of 11 large format paintings inspired in the city of Buenos Aires is enhanced by two augmented reality paintings of wich one is a representation of the artist’s personal studio, one interactive sculpture and a interactive mapping on a painting that allows viewers to change the colours of the paintings with an App.  

The artist shares her way of living, observing and feeling her greatest inspiring muse, the city of Buenos Aires, with the distinctive stamp of merging her renowned painting style with music, literature, sculpture, digital projections, augmented reality, interactive installations and social networks, to express in an integrated way what it is to live in the city of Buenos Aires in the current era of interactivity.

Josie Watson is a young Argentine artist who found her style of painting at an early age, participating in exhibitions and shows since she was 11 years old. Being a prominent artist in the emerging art auctions of Banco Ciudad, she gained the appreciation of the city’s collectors and her painting has become an identifying landmark of the city of Buenos Aires both locally and internally.



III Bienal Internacional del Arte Contemporáneo de Argentina – Centro Cultural Borges

Desde el 5 al 10 de octubre de 2016 mes se llevó a cabo la III Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo de Argentinaen el Centro Cultural Borges (Buenos Aires, Argentina).

Esta actividad fue auspiciada por el Espacio de Arte del Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires, así como lo hizo desde el año 2014. En el año 2018 se incorporaron una gran cantidad de artistas latinoamericanos y destacados artistas internacionales que participaron por los premios de la Bienal. En el espacio de invitados especiales del Banco Ciudad participó con la obra “Autorretrato” la artista Josie Watson, junto con grandes artistas consagrados cuyas obras son trabajadas por el Espacio de Arte de la banca pignoraticia más antigua de la Argentina.

El Banco Ciudad apoya actividades culturales que se llevan a cabo en la ciudad de Buenos Aires desde su fundación. Favoreció esta iniciativa una propuesta inclusiva y abierta al arte internacional con el objetivo de dar espacio a artistas emergentes y consagrados, como así acercar el arte de otras partes del mundo, mejorando la ya destacada validad de arte que circula por la ciudad de Buenos Aires. El Gerente de Banca Social y Pignoraticio: Carlos Eduardo Leiza hizo entrega de los premios a los artistas, quienes luego pudieron disfrutar de un evento de tango preparado especialmente para los artistas.

En el año 2016 el premio extraordinario de $50.000 a la mejor pintura de la Bienal Internacional fue adjudicado al artista Hechijia Yegu de China. Con una plural participación de disciplinas desde pintura, fotografía, grabado, dibujo, videoarte, escultura, cerámica, arte textil e instalaciones, la bienal se destacó por la ecléctica y sincronizada presentación de obras de arte organizada por la Licenciada María Elena Beneito.

La exposición ocupó las salas 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 31 y 32 del renombrado centro cultural y estuvo abierta al público de 10 a 21 hs durante los 5 días. El cronograma de la Bienal incluyó como todos los años charlas abiertas, encuentros de artistas, visitas guiadas por la ciduad, eventos nocturnos de tango y talleres abiertos.


Josie Watson con la obra “Autorretrato automático”, realizada en el año 2012. La obra actualmente forma parte de una de colección privada de la ciudad de Buenos Aires.

Links de interés:áneo-en-buenos-aires-argentina

British Art Center – Automatic City – Josie Watson

Ciudad Automática (Automatic City) is the creation of the artist Josie Watson that will be officially exhibited for the first time in the city of Buenos Aires in the three floored gallery of the British Arts Center (BAC). The series of paintings was inspired in 2008 by the question about her father’s decision to return to live in Argentina, when he was only 17, in view of the possibility of having chosen Syndey and its (very different) quality of life.
Ciudad Automática expresses the experiences that the artist went through in her youth in this chaotic city, at times unintelligible, at times revealing. Chaos and realization are uniquely captured in works where hyperrealism and her graphic style are twinned with an irresistible tension.
July 10th to 31st at the British Art Center (BAC) of the AACI (Argentine Association of English Culture) in Suipacha 1333
Visits: Monday to Friday from 3 to 9 pm.

Translated with (free version)



Municipal Salon Leopoldo Marechal, Hurlingham. Emerging Artists

The Municipal Saloon of Hurlingham, Leopoldo Marechal summons 5 outstanding young artists from the North west region of Greater Buenos Aires.

Inauguration date: 23 November 2013.


Diego David Uviedo

Josie Watson

Pilar Corrales

María Laura Zuljevik

Giulana Maldonado

Municipal Hall Leopoldo Marechal – Josie Watson

“The city in the West”

Josie Watson brings to West Greater Buenos Aires the exhibition previously performed at the British Arts Center in collaboration with the municipality where she was born and cultivated her artistic style.

Municipal Art Center. Emerging Artists. León Gallardo.

The Salon Municipal de San Miguel León Gallardo summons 15 outstanding young artists from the region to exhibit in its hall on October 4, 2013.


Diego Rena
Caputo Paula
Marita Battaglia
Alicia Avalos
Diego David Uviedo
Fatima Maggio
Mercedes Galperin
Florencia Moranchel
Carolina Cifuentes
Maria Guzman
Mariano Sangallii
Candelaria Aguilar
Gimena Gioffré
Josie Watson

Annual auction of the Association Friends of MACLA – 2012

Auction: 11 December 2012 at 7 p.m.

On the night of the artists, the annual auction of the Association Friends of MACLA will be put up for sale in pesos more than 70 works of outstanding plastic artists to benefit the AAMACLA.

Works will be auctioned by Abot Jorge, Alzugaray Miguel Angel, Arrigoni Enrique, Berlusconi Gabriel, Bilbao Cristina, Bonholzer Amalia, Caceres Martín, Camporeale Sergio, Carballido Pilar, Cerverizzo Carolina, Corvino Daniel, Crovo Hilda, Cugat Delia, Cutuli Gracia, Della Maddalena Silvia, Desagastizabal, Tulio Disario Alicia, Feller Mario, Fernández Elvio Nilo, Garcia Bruni Haydée and Godel Ana.
Goltzman Silvia, Golubinzky Liliana, Grosclaude Luis, Iacopetti Lido, Isasmendi Francisco, Khourian Helena, Kuperman Basia, Langone Carlos, Larsen Gustavo Alfredo, Lippi Franco, López Armentía Gustavo López de Vega Pablo, López Iriart Claudia, López Osornio César, Mac Entyre Cristian, Magyar Ladislao, Mans Hilda, Mara Oscar Cesar, Marcón Maximiliano, Monferran Eugenio, Nieto Estela and Nigro Adolfo.
Ocampo Miguel, Otero Marco, Pereira Jorge, Pizzi Nidia, Rizzo Marcelo, Roth Pedro, Salvador Constanzo, Sibar Adrián, Sirabo Dalmiro, Tomasello Luis, Viladrich Alejandro, Watson Josie and Zalazar Ana.

“Femme Automatique”, 35×35 cm, 2011.

Auction. Emerging artists of Buenos Aires. Record Sale

Banco Ciudad continues its policy of supporting emerging artists

October 15, 2012 Mario Gilardoni 0 Comments

Written by Mario Gilardoni

With its “New Aires Art” label, the Bank continues to promote auctions with works by young artists who have not yet entered the commercial auction circuit. And to do so, it does not spare any of the attributes that surround its traditional operations: a first-class catalogue, advertising support and the entire sales structure at the service of this operation.

The public rewarded with the best offer a mixed technique of Josie Watson, who did not hesitate to put everything in the grill since “Avenida Corrientes – De la serie automática” obtained the first prize of the Salón Estímulo de Ramos Mejía. Made this year in a measure of 100×120 cm it was paid 8.625 pesos.

With an image that reveals the Caribbean spirit of his work, Ebenezer Leyva of Cuban origin, collected 6,400 pesos for “El vuelo del Icaro” of 136×90 cm. Third place on the price podium went to a sculpture by Federico Klarich made up of wooden assemblages that gave shape to the “Dog” of 80x110x55 cm which was paid 4,000 pesos.

The Bank’s firmness in supporting this philosophy of encouraging young artists was reflected in the synthetic comment of Carlos Leiza -responsible for the sales area- “For next year we plan to hold three auctions similar to those we held in 2012”.

Press Note:

“Avenida Corrientes”, 100×120 cm, 2012.

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