Opening Thursday June 8th 13hs until 30th June 2017

BUENOS AIRES CITY BANK : Art Space, Esmeralda 660, Buenos Aires.

Monday to Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm.


“Ciudad Automática de Buenos Aires” is an art exhibition that represents the city of Buenos Aires through art and interactivity.

It is an exhibition of works inspired by everyday places and characters of the city of Buenos Aires, created by the plastic artist Josie Watson, who generates an avant-garde exhibition by interlacing her paintings on canvas with other technological disciplines.

 A traditional exhibition of 11 large format paintings inspired in the city of Buenos Aires is enhanced by two augmented reality paintings of wich one is a representation of the artist’s personal studio, one interactive sculpture and a interactive mapping on a painting that allows viewers to change the colours of the paintings with an App.  

The artist shares her way of living, observing and feeling her greatest inspiring muse, the city of Buenos Aires, with the distinctive stamp of merging her renowned painting style with music, literature, sculpture, digital projections, augmented reality, interactive installations and social networks, to express in an integrated way what it is to live in the city of Buenos Aires in the current era of interactivity.

Josie Watson is a young Argentine artist who found her style of painting at an early age, participating in exhibitions and shows since she was 11 years old. Being a prominent artist in the emerging art auctions of Banco Ciudad, she gained the appreciation of the city’s collectors and her painting has become an identifying landmark of the city of Buenos Aires both locally and internally.



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