Caja de Cristal, Banco Ciudad

Opening: 2 October 2017, 18 hs. Open until 31st of October.

Institute: Banco Ciudad, Florida 302, Buenos Aires.

Banco Ciudad, the public banck of the city of Buenos Aires is the official patreon of the exhibition “Ciudad Automática of Buenos Aires”, the new icon of the city of Buenos Aires. Josie Watson presents this Art & Technology initiative with an innovative event that you will be able to experience from your cell phone in your city, live and in person.

WatsOnArt is an Argentine interactive art production company specially designed to generate intuitive, inclusive and educational artistic experiences suitable for all audiences. There will also be two interactive installations, and a tango performance by Nuria Schneller.

Created by young Argentine professionals specialized in plastic arts, technology, digital projections, programming, animation, design, theater, music and literature, WatsOnArt transmits in its products the freshness and novelty of cooperative work, a lifestyle that brings together the team members in the same vision of the future of culture, around the plastic artist Josie Watson, director of the project.

The App will be launched at the opening of the exhibition “Ciudad Automática de Buenos Aires” on October 2, 2017 in the city of Buenos Aires, at the branch of Banco Ciudad de microcentro, Florida 302. It is an interactive platform that will offer the viewer to interact with the paintings exhibited in the exhibition, with certain places in the city and with social networks.

WatsOnArt conceives technology as a generator of new forms of emotion that force art to renew itself. That is why it faces the challenge of promoting a new cultural identity that completes the content that other digital and traditional tourism and art platforms are not providing, and gives new generations the tools to generate their new cultural language.

Auction. Emerging artists of Buenos Aires. Record Sale

Banco Ciudad continues its policy of supporting emerging artists

October 15, 2012 Mario Gilardoni 0 Comments

Written by Mario Gilardoni

With its “New Aires Art” label, the Bank continues to promote auctions with works by young artists who have not yet entered the commercial auction circuit. And to do so, it does not spare any of the attributes that surround its traditional operations: a first-class catalogue, advertising support and the entire sales structure at the service of this operation.

The public rewarded with the best offer a mixed technique of Josie Watson, who did not hesitate to put everything in the grill since “Avenida Corrientes – De la serie automática” obtained the first prize of the Salón Estímulo de Ramos Mejía. Made this year in a measure of 100×120 cm it was paid 8.625 pesos.

With an image that reveals the Caribbean spirit of his work, Ebenezer Leyva of Cuban origin, collected 6,400 pesos for “El vuelo del Icaro” of 136×90 cm. Third place on the price podium went to a sculpture by Federico Klarich made up of wooden assemblages that gave shape to the “Dog” of 80x110x55 cm which was paid 4,000 pesos.

The Bank’s firmness in supporting this philosophy of encouraging young artists was reflected in the synthetic comment of Carlos Leiza -responsible for the sales area- “For next year we plan to hold three auctions similar to those we held in 2012”.

Press Note:

“Avenida Corrientes”, 100×120 cm, 2012.

First Emerging Art Auction of Buenos Aires – Banco Ciudad

For the first time, work by emerging artists was auctioned

It was organized at Banco Ciudad. Out of more than 70 lots, two-thirds were sold.

EMERGING ART. “Novel aesthetic proposals, without space in traditional galleries,” defined the head of Art at Banco Ciudad.

Tagged as: Banco Ciudad cultura Profundo, creative, dynamic”, harangue the auctioneer. Three adjectives to motivate a room that responds with laziness to the plastic works reproduced by plasma TVs and that are offered, one after the other, as “good future investments” of emerging artists that, it is assumed, will make tomorrow more than what is spent today.

The scene takes place in the Santa María de los Buenos Ayres Auditorium, at the Esmeralda branch of Banco Ciudad. For the first time, a public auction of works by emerging artists from the local plastic art scene was organized, and in this way they find their opportunity to make their way into the gallery circuit and enter the famous “market”, that elusive space where silent battles for recognition are fought.

“What is emerging is not defined by the age of the artists, but by those novel aesthetic proposals, of plastics without space in the traditional galleries and that, in general, are still in full learning”, defines Cristina Alonso, head of Art of the bank and one of those who made the selection of works to be finished.

The room is not crowded, but more than fifty people are watching the works and smiling with the efforts that the auctioneer Ricardo Vitaliti makes to catch buyers. At first, the works do not arouse much interest, but it is enough for one of the attendees to raise his hand in bidding, so that a small price escalation is triggered: the mechanism of the market operating in the open.

The selection of the works to be auctioned is the responsibility of the bank, but they rely on recommendations from galleries, private collectors and established artists. Two of them, Duillo Pierri and Maggie de Koenisgberg, accompany the students they recommended to the auction, who are now making their debut in the business of selling their creativity.

The aesthetic languages of the auction are multiple and range from the figurative to the geometric and expressionism. Most of the buyers are “young collectors with a mentality, with the capacity to discover what is not yet positioned in the market,” says Alonso.

For the bank’s press secretary, Jorge Velásquez, the experience was encouraging. “For a large auction, with more than 70 lots, two thirds have been sold, with values that doubled or tripled the base,” he says. And he promises to repeat, extending the call to students from universities and art schools who want to make their debut in the market.

 The link:

“Un beso en Ciudad Automática”, 120×120 cm, oil on canvas, 2010.

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