Summer season 2019. Hotel Residencia Marítima, Mar del Plata

Nota original realizada a la artista Josie Watson en el Hotel Residencia Marítima de Mar del Plata.
The city of Mar del Plata, located in the southeast of the province of Buenos Aires (414 kilometers from the city of Buenos Aires) is one of the most important summer resorts in Argentina. In the summer of 2018, a total of 4,293,392 tourists visited the city nicknamed “La Feliz” from December to March inclusive.
As every year, the hotels, resorts, theaters, shopping centers, institutions and public and private spaces organized cultural activities for the entertainment of the entire family group. At the Patricio Datarmini Maritime Residence Hotel, an exhibition of interactive art created by plastic artist Josie Watson was held.
In the note to Todo Noticias the young artist explained how she created this project and the App with which she animates the paintings of her series called “Automatic City”. The artist worked with a group of professionals and creatives inspired to create a tool at the service of the new generations (the millennials and centennials) so that they themselves create their new cultural identity.
The exhibition could be seen during the month of January and February in one of the most important hotels in the center of Mar del Plata. The Hotel Residencia Marítima is strategically located 10 minutes from the main center, five minutes from the commercial center of Güemes Street, just meters from the Hotel Provincial, and 1 block from the sea and the Paseo Hermitagge.
Visitors to the exhibition, curious people and residents of the hotel interacted with the paintings inspired by the city of Buenos Aires. The paintings that portray iconic places of the city of Buenos Aires can be seen animated with the artist’s App. The images come to life and music, telling stories and prolonging the expression with added visual metaphors. Monuments.
The exhibition was open to the public free of charge from 10 am to 7 pm at Bv Marítimo Patricio Peralta Ramos 2543. The hotel offered a guided tour of the exhibition and the artist had a digital tablet for the best interaction with the paintings.

The painting “La bombonera” can come to life with Josie Watson’s App. The fans come alive, they start dancing, the fireworks explode, the grass becomes real, the flag of the 12th comes down the stands and everything is transformed into one big explosion of euphoria.

La escultura Floralis Genérica puede verse desde todos sus ángulos y todas las horas del día, ya que la flor se cierra en la medida en la que se retira el sol, gracias a la fusión del trabajo de Josie Watson con el Hypertimelapse de Alejandro Corvalán.